主 査 : 清原聖子
幹 事 : 前嶋和弘、小笠原盛浩
テーマ:「生成AI時代の米韓における選挙とDisinformation問題」開催日時: 2024年10月26日(土)午後2時半~午後4時45分
第1部 午後2時半~午後3時半
休憩 午後3時半~午後3時45分
第2部 午後3時45分~午後4時45分
開催方法: Zoom
(申込先電子メールアドレス) kenkyukai@jsicr.jp
第1部「AI in the 2024 American Presidential Election」
【Speaker】Diana Owen (Georgetown University, Professor)
【Abstract】The proliferation of misinformation generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be the most consequential new development in the 2024 election cycle—or it may not. AI’s presence in the election became clear immediately following the September presidential debate when Taylor Swift formally endorsed Kamala Harris after Swift was falsely alleged to be supporting Donald Trump in an AI generated post made to his website. Views about the impact of AI on elections are contested, as systematic research on its effects is limited and difficult to conduct. The mechanics of how AI works and how the content it generates travels through the election information ecosystem are largely unknown. On the one hand is speculation that AI is responsible for a deluge of misinformation that is exacerbating an already dire situation. AI could make election misinformation more pervasive and persuasive, especially as the quality improves. When false content created through generative AI is disseminated through social media, it can potentially influence vote choice, as Taylor Swift feared. AI generated election messages have boomed on Tik Tok, where they are reaching a younger demographic which normally shuns political information. Others contend that fears about AI’s deleterious impact are overblown. Recent studies indicate that the American public’s consumption of election misinformation may be less prevalent that popularly believed and reaches a minority of voters. Voters in the U.S. tend to make up their minds about candidates early, so misinformation may not be an important factor in vote choice. However, the 2024 presidential election is one like no other, and the implications of AI may well be another turning point in electoral history. Researchers will need to develop innovative approaches to tracking the effects of AI and shed light on this novel phenomenon.
【Commentator】Kazuhiro Maeshima (Sophia University, Professor)
【Moderator】 Shoko Kiyohara(Meiji University, Professor)
【概要】 本報告では、2022年韓国の大統領選挙と2024年の総選挙過程で争点の一つになり、有権者の政治参加や投票決定にも大きな影響力を持っているdisinformationの問題を取り上げる。選挙の時期だけではなく日常の政治の営み中でもフェイクニュースやディープフェイクが誰かによって作られ、流通・拡散されている。実際に、disinformationの問題は、選挙結果にも影響が少なくない。その理由は韓国政治の二極化と関係している。フェイクニュースやディープフェイクの共有・拡散・影響のメカニズムは、理念の二極化だけではなく、メディアの二極化(media polarization)と政治の二極化(political polarization)が相互連動しているからであろう。選挙での事例やそのメカニズム・影響などを分析してみたい。