Academic Journal/Publications
JSICR Journal Latest Issue
<Contents> Available in PDF [ 93KB ]
The 31th General Assembly of the Japan Society of Information and Communication Research (JSICR)
[Address]Yukinori NAKANO, Akio BABA
[Symposium] "The future of information and telecommunications inspired by collaborative work between neuroscience and ICT"
Keynote Speech: Toshio YANAGIDA
Panel Discussion: Toshio YANAGIDA, Makio KASHINO, Motoaki KAWANABE, Ippei HAGIWARA, Hideki KASHIOKA
[Address]Hiroshi NAKANISHI
[Papers] Legal implications and purview of "secrecy" of communications under the Constitution of Japan...............Atsushi UMINO
The Effects of the Use of Web 2.0 Applications and Television on
Social Capital in Post- Disaster Recovery - A Case Study of the Great East Japan Earthquake
..John William CHENG, Stefan Yonggyun JEON, Tokio OTSUKA, Hitoshi MITOMO
Enhancing Civil Society SNS Participation: The Tsukuba Civic Activities Cyber-Square
...............Muneo KAIGO, Sae OKURA
Conflict of Laws around the Right of Publicity...............Kunifumi SAITO
Analysis of direct public policy toward stimulating broadband diffusion: A demand and supply perspective.....Mingchan CHENG
[Notes] An analysis of the Community Disaster Management Plan and ICT -After the Great East Japan Earthquake-...............Masamichi NISHIZAWA, Satoshi TSUTSUI, Siying JIN
[Invited Essay] The overview of French accessible digital library, the comparison and the model...............Naoto KIKUCHI
[Study Meeting]
<The JSICR News>
<From Secretariat>
<Book Review>
<Editorial Comments>
*Published Papers in Journals, Editorial, Contributed Paper can view in J-STAGE.
List of Backnumber
- Year 2014
Journal No. 110|Journal No. 109
- Year 2013
Journal No. 108|Journal No. 107
|Journal No. 106
|Journal No. 105
- Year 2012
Journal No. 104|Journal No. 103
|Journal No. 102
|Journal No. 101
- Year 2011
Journal No. 100|Journal No. 99
|Journal No. 98
|Journal No. 97
- Year 2010
Journal No. 96|Journal No. 95
|Journal No. 94
|Journal No. 93
- Year 2009
Journal No. 92|Journal No. 91
|Journal No. 90
|Journal No. 89
- Year 2008
Journal No. 88|Journal No. 87
|Journal No. 86
|Journal No. 85
- Year 2007
Annual Report 2007|Journal No. 84
|Journal No. 83
|Journal No. 82
- Year 2006
Annual Report 2006|Journal No. 81
|Journal No. 80
|Journal No. 79
- Year 2005
Annual Report 2005|Journal No. 78
|Journal No. 77
|Journal No. 76
- Year 2004
Journal No. 75|Journal No. 74
|Journal No. 73・72
- Year 2003
Annual Report 2003